Save 77% - 30 Days Of Focus Only £0.33p/day

Just £10 For A 30 Day Supply of the UK's cleanest energy & mental focus drink

  • Increase energy & focus, or get your money back
  • Improve your productivity and get more done
  • Stay sharp and focused throughout the day
  • Amazing taste, zero sugar & no artificial junk
  • Mood enhancement through nootropics
Order Your 30 Day Trial For Just £10
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30 Days Of Focus Only £0.33p/Day

Just £10 For A 30 Day Supply Of The UK's Cleanest Energy & Mental Focus Drink

Increase energy & focus, improve productivity and get more done by staying sharp all day

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"I have never felt more productive in my life and I am now officially a morning person. Incredible."

Jessica K.

Ready, Set, Go with Clean Energy + Focus

Relying on regular coffee or energy drinks loaded with artificial sweeteners and sugars can lead to jitters, a crash or unwanted calories. With our Clean Energy and Focus Drink powder, you'll get the energy and focus you need, without the junk!

Ready To Unleash The New You?

Working with leading biochemists & food scientists, Zhero aims to revolutionise the drinks industry with our proprietary ‘ZheroCal Clean Energy & Focus™️' formula

Improve work & study Performance

Whether you're planning to close a big deal at work, need to increase your focus for a creative project, or doing intense studying, Zhero helps you power through even the most demanding of tasks

Turn "To-Do Lists" Into "Done Lists"

Looking to improve productivity and get more done? Our ingredients are backed by science & proven to help improve cognitive function, while also reducing stress responses to help you achieve flow-state

Turn "To-Do Lists" Into "Done Lists"

Looking to improve productivity and get more done? Our ingredients are backed by science & proven to help improve cognitive function, while also reducing stress responses to help you achieve flow-state

Perform Your Best In Sports

Planning to hit the gym after work, training to compete, or looking to smash your personal best? Our ZeroCal Energy blend helps give you the mental focus and energy you need

Empowering Superhero Parents

Got a hectic day at a theme park, or just trying to survive the school run with a smile on your face? Zhero is the perfect alternative to coffee or energy drinks. With no artificial sweeteners, colours or preservatives, it still tastes amazing

Empowering Superhero Parents

Whether you've got a hectic day at a theme park, or just trying to survive the school run with a smile on your face, Zhero is the perfect alternative to coffee or energy drinks. With no artificial sweeteners, colours or preservatives, it still tastes amazing

Get The Most Out Of Your Later Years

L-theanine was used in a test for cognitive function in men and women aged 50–69 years. A single dose of l-theanine improved executive function, reduced the reaction time to attention tasks, and it increased the number of correct answers and decreased the number of omission errors in working memory tasks.

Zhero To Hero In Just 3 Steps:

Step 1

Pour 250ml+ of your favourite beverage

Step 2

Add between 0.5 - 1.5 scoops & stir

Step 3

Drink and enjoy your new superpowers

Which Zhero Is Right For You? (Hint: Probably Both...)

Whilst you can drink both products any time of day, they have been designed to perform best as a bundle based on your body's natural cycles. Hyperfocus is best when taken in the morning on an empty stomach, and Clean Energy was designed to help you power through your afternoon. Below is a table that explains the main differences. 

Unlock Your Potential With Hyperfocus & Clean Energy

Get sharper focus and sustained energy without the crash

Hyperfocus - 30 Day Supply
Zen-Like Focus & Productivity

Try Now For Only £10 (save 77%)

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⛨ No-Risk 30 Day Money Back Guarantee ⛨
Increase energy & focus, or get your money back

Clean Energy - 30 Day Supply
Superhero Energy, No Crash, No Jitters

Try Now For Only £10 (save 77%)

(You Can Pause/Skip/Cancel All Subscriptions Anytime)

⛨ No-Risk 30 Day Money Back Guarantee ⛨
Increase energy & focus, or get your money back

The Science Behind Our Ingredients

Why Pair L-theanine, Green Tea Extract, with Natural caffeine & b-Vitamins

Designed with a potent blend of L-Theanine, green tea extract, natural caffeine, and a range of B-Vitamins, this drink is scientifically engineered to improve energy, focus, and productivity. Many scientifc studies have shown pairing L-Theanine with caffeine creates a synergistic interaction, enhancing attention and focus while delivering energy without jitters. In addition, B-vitamins, recognized for their role in maintaining optimum brain health and energy levels, are added to the mix to ensure sustained energy release, reducing fatigue and promoting peak productivity.

No Sugar, No Calories, No Artifical Sweeteners

Premium 98% Reb-A Stevia: A natural, zero-calorie sweetener extracted from the leaves of the Stevia plant, it sweetens our drink without the adverse effects of sugar or artificial sweeteners. Erythritol: This natural sweetener has almost zero calories and doesn't spike blood sugar levels, making our drink safe for those monitoring their sugar intake or seeking weight management.

Green Tea Extract

Packed with potent antioxidants, green tea extract promotes heart, liver, and brain health while improving skin conditions and even reducing the risk of cancer. It's also known for aiding weight loss and reducing oxidative stress.

Natural Flavours & No Artificial Junk

You'll notice our labels have very limited ingredients, we have cut out all the junk normally found in energy drinks, and insead, used natures gifts. Our drink is enhanced with natural flavors, providing you with a tasty, enjoyable, and refreshing experience without any artificial aftertaste.

Boost Energy & Focus, Without The Crash or Jitters

Natural Caffeine: A well-recognized stimulant, natural caffeine boosts energy levels, improves physical performance, and enhances brain function, leading to increased alertness, wakefulness, and concentration. L-Theanine: This amino acid found green tea boosts brain function. When paired with caffeine, it's known to enhance creativity and speed up reaction time, making it a perfect ingredient for focus and productivity.

B vitamins

For optimal health and brain function, B vitamins play a crucial role in cellular function and energy production, leaving you energized throughout the day.

Zhero delivers


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Amazing Zero to Hero stories

Why so many people Use zhero To Power Their Day

  • you need to get in 'flow-state' for increased productivity
  • you want the extra lift without the jitters or the dreaded crash
  • you are looking for a healthy alternative to coffee or energy drinks
  • you know you are capable of more, but struggle to reach your full potential
  • you "just wish" you could enjoy your favourite beverage as an energy drink. Now you can, just our unflavoured version to your favourite beverage

See Our Scientific Super-Drink In Action...

Sam uses Unflavoured Hyperfocus to supercharge her morning orange juice

Zhero helps Sam with:



Deep Thinking

John uses Lemon & Mint Clean Energy with water before the gym

Zhero helps John with:




Helen uses Lemon & Mint Clean Energy with sparkling water as after-lunch boost

Zhero helps Helen with:


After Work

All Day

Here's what our hero fans say

Frequently Asked Questions

Got questions? We've got answers..

Our Zero to hero Story

Hi, I'm David - Founder & CEO of Zhero, and this is our story.

I always had a million ideas racing through my head as an entrepreneur, but I knew my lack of focus and productivity held me back from achieving my full potential. However, it wasn't until I had my son diagnosed with ADHD that I realised the full extent of the impact that brain function can have on daily life. And this is where my obsession with cognitive performance began. 

Determined to find a solution, I teamed up with my lifelong friend and Co-Founder, Nico – a successful entrepreneur with a frustration that there wasn't any truly clean energy drinks available in the market. And together, we enlisted the help of leading biochemists and food scientists to research and develop a truly clean, healthy functional drink that could support cognitive performance by boosting energy and focus levels.

After two years of hard work and experimentation, we finally hit upon a formula that was not only clean and healthy, but helped me stay focused and productive.

And so, Zhero was born – a next-generation energy, focus, and mental performance drink that has already helped countless people lead happier, healthier, and more successful lives.

We are proud to have partnered with some of the best and brightest in the industry to bring these revolutionary functional drinks to market, and we can't wait to see how they will continue to make a difference in the world.

Together, we are poised to change the game and help people everywhere achieve their full potential. So, we hope you enjoy our focus and energy drinks as much as we've loved creating them for you.

Thank you for joining the Zhero family and for allowing us to be part of your personal Zero to Hero journey!

David & Nico

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